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20 يوليو 2023

Celebrating a 6-Month Journey of Embedding Core Values for a Better Workplace

Hey everyone, we've got some exciting news to share about our journey at Elite Co.! We've been on a mission for the past six months to make our workplace culture absolutely awesome.

13 فبراير 2024

Navigating the Red Sea Shipping Crisis: Elite Co.'s Innovative Supply Chain Solutions

The Red Sea, a vital maritime trade route, has been facing a significant crisis characterized by heightened security risks and disruptions to maritime routes. This has significantly impacted global trade and the shipping industry, resulting in increased costs, delays, rerouting challenges

Revolutionizing the Supply Chain: How Technology is Transforming the Logistics Industry

In recent years, the supply chain and logistics industry have witnessed a remarkable transformation driven by technological advancements.

UAE’s Elite Acquires LogX in Multi-Million Dollar Logistics Deal

One of many acquisitions by GreenDome Holdings to unlock opportunities in the Middle East’s growing logistics sector

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